Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #1
Understanding Your Moods
Self awareness is a difficult skill to master. There’s a reason so many people go to therapy to help them with this diagnostic skill. However, for the mindful person it is just a matter of practice.
Take note of your moods during different times of day. Write down your mood at different intervals. Pay attention to what you were just doing and what you are about to do. Note things like the weather outside and the type of food you are eating. This process will take a few weeks but the more specific your notes, the more precision in the outcome.
You might find that you really aren’t the morning person you imagine yourself to be. Or that a particular food makes you tired. It could be as simple as that afternoon program you love sucks all your energy.
Knowing your moods is key to conquering them. This will keep you from emotional eating or taking out frustrations on a loved one. Don’t let your emotions control you, control them instead.
Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #1 – EXERCISE
Understanding Your Moods
Select a week where you can focus on self analysis… specifically your moods:
For that week, create calendar alerts 3 times daily that remind you to document your state of mind/mood:
Based on your observations, look at the causes of good moods, bad moods, etc…
Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #2
Optimizing Your Focus
If doing a particular task takes you four times as long as somebody else, it might be a simple lack of focus. Find what works for you and make it happen. For example, if you are motivated by a sales goal then put pictures of what you will purchase with the money around your office.
If you are motivated by accomplishing tasks then use a pie chart to illustrate the work that needs to be done. Then, at set intervals erase pieces of the pie until it is completely empty.
It might just be a matter of distractions. Don’t play music while you work. Turn the ringer off the phones. Don’t sit in front a window if you are distracted by the cars going by.
Working smarter not harder is about peak performance and peak focus. When you are working at your peak you get more done in less time. Leaving you time to do more of what you love.
Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #2 – EXERCISE
Optimizing Your Focus
List all of the things that cause you to become distracted and lose focus. The write a commitment to eliminate them:
Make a list of things that cause you to become more focused and motivated (images of your goal, background music, ear plugs, etc…):
Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #3
Optimizing Your Energy
It’s already been mentioned that regular exercise will help you sleep. So will maintaining a regular schedule. It can be tempting to live without an alarm clock but your body will soon fatigue of a relaxed lifestyle. Sure vacations can be energizing but too much of anything can be unhealthy.
Optimize your energy by having a set schedule. Set aside time for sleep, time for exercise, time for work and time for eating. This will keep your body in peak performance level. As you become more and more disciplined in your routine you will be more sensitive to what your body is telling you. When you are more sensitive to your body you will know the difference between hunger and thirst for example.
And when your body is getting what it needs, you will have more than enough energy to accomplish anything that comes your way.
Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #3 – EXERCISE
Optimizing Your Energy
Make a list of events, circumstances, foods, times of day, etc… where your energy lowers:
Create a schedule that lets you combat these energy zappers and allows you to optimize your energy (for example, eating an afternoon snack makes you tired, replace your snack with ice water). List your schedule below:
Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #4
Scheduling Down Time
Even workaholics need down time. It’s important to schedule and be realistic about the downtime you need. Most people these days are practically tethered to their devices/computers. This is both unhealthy and unproductive. Find a way you can walk away and enjoy yourself from time to time.
If you are the kind of person that can keep your head down for hours at a time then go for it. Be sure to get out of the house in the evening or on weekends and enjoy your time off. If on the other hand you would rather work longer days and have breaks throughout, then work that way. The key is to work how you want. Just be sure to schedule downtime so your batteries get recharged.
The most important aspect of down time is to truly be away from work and obligations. This is why scheduling downtime is so important. It allows you to truly relax without worrying about what you are missing.
Personal Mindset Improvement Tip #4 – EXERCISE
Scheduling Down Time
Make a list of strategies you can implement that force you to take down time and disconnect (i.e. a lock on your office door, an appointment with a workout partner, etc…):
Create daily down time and make calendar alerts to remind you to actually do this. Rest and down time are key to optimal performance:
Dorothy Biagioni
Executive Business and Life Coach
Transformational Leader and Empowerment Coach
Dorothy Biagioni
Executive Business and Life Coach
Premier Mind Set Coach
Personal Development Coach
Transformational & Empowerment Leader
Certified Hypnotherapist
Keynote Speaker and Presenter
Sessions are offered via Skype, Facetime, Zoom, Google Duo, WhatsApp and Phone.
Group Sessions are offered via Zoom or in person.
Online ecourses and ebooks: